My Donna Noble jacket is finished, except for finding buttons.

Chase cut out the leather pieces of the belt for me, once he’s got those shaped right I’ve got to dye them and get them attached to the elastic and get the buckle put on.
I’m really not happy with the tank top I got – it doesn’t even look purple in this pic, looks white. It’s way too pale. Gonna throw it in some dye I think.
As I said before, Chase picked up my fabric for Ms Marvel Thursday. I got it patterned and cut out yesterday. Today I sewed the star on, put the leotard together, put the sleeves on, put the collar on and make the scarf/neckpiece.

It’s really awesome to be so close to having so much done – and to be so on schedule. But I’m bummed I don’t get to wear any of these things for another 4 months…
(I’m reusing my boots and gloves from my regular Ms Marvel).